

What will happen after my divorce?

At O’Cathain Law Group, our motto is Move Forward. That’s what we do: help our clients move forward to a better time, when their case is no longer the center of their lives, and, for the most part, they no longer need our help.

There will come a time when you are divorced, and all the issues— of child custody and parenting time; of alimony and child support; of property and asset distribution— are resolved, for the time being.

So now what?

Take a deep breathe. Take stock of your life, your responsibilities, your priorities— and your joy. Check in with yourself and find out who you are as a divorced person, and how it feels. Divorce is a tool to move forward, and you’ve done it— at the very least, that deserves a congratulations and a pat on the back.

But know that we will still be there for you. If you have post-judgment issues like modifying child support or seeking a different custody arrangement, we’re still your legal team. We’ve still got your back. O’Cathian Law Group Family Law Department will be there for you even after your divorce— to help you along the way, and to cheer you on as you move forward into this new chapter in your life, as you Move Forward.