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Hackensack Insurance for Food Delivery App Drivers 

If you are injured in a crash caused by an UberEats driver, DoorDash driver, InstaCart driver, Amazon Fresh Vans driver, or Postmates driver, call a Hackensack personal injury lawyer to know your legal rights.

Many Food Delivery App Drivers are driving negligently on our roads in Bergen County. They are speeding in residential areas. They are running stop signs. They are making left turns without yielding. They are blocking traffic by parking on the side of the road.

In fact, we have an entire webpage that details the causes of accidents for food delivery app drivers.

With food delivery app usage on the rise (there will be an expected growth of 27.3% next year alone, according to, there are more and more crashes on our roads in Bergen County. There are also more pedestrian deaths— Bergen County ranks in the top 10 deadliest counties for pedestrians, according to

If you, a family member, a friend or a colleague has been injured by a careless food delivery app driver, you’re going to want to consult with an O’Cathain Law Department Personal Injury Lawyer. The consultation is free, and our Personal Injury Law Department is headed by Domhnall O’Cathain, Esq., who is a certified civil trial attorney.

You’re not going to want to handle your accident alone— the insurance company will try to limit the amount of money you’re going to get.

Speaking of insurance companies, what type of Hackensack Insurance for Food Delivery App Drivers do these drivers have to carry?

Drivers for food delivery app companies should carry their own personal auto insurance.

The problem is that most personal auto insurance policies will not cover a driver while making food deliveries.

The following apps provide commercial insurance coverage that will kick in if the careless food driver app causes a crash while working:

  • DoorDash – $1 million
  • Postmates – $1million
  • UberEats – $1 million
  • Grubhub – $0
  • InstaCart – $0

Victims of careless Grubhub drivers and careless Instacart drivers will hope that those drivers purchased separate policies to cover the injuries.

You will need a Hackensack personal injury lawyer who knows how to uncover all the insurance that is available for your injuries.

Your seasoned food delivery accident attorney and dedicated personal injury law paralegal will work as a team to make the insurance companies to pay their fair share for what was taken away from you.

It’s important that you don’t sign any documents or accept any money from the other side until you’ve consulted with a personal injury law lawyer— the insurance companies would prefer to settle your lawsuit on the cheap, and we’re not going to let that happen.

Why am I owed money from a food delivery app driver, their company and their insurance company?

There are lots of reasons the injured party is entitled to money. They include:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Emotional distress
  • Lost wages
  • Medical bills

You can consult with an O’Cathain Law Group Personal Injury Lawyer today. Remember that there is a statute of limitations of 2 years on Food Delivery App Driver crashes n New Jersey.

We want to help you get the money you deserve from the insurance companies that cover Food Delivery App Drivers. We will help you Move Forward. Contact us today.